+ mijel jealson (1061443359446667385) [newest last updated like idk 8/02/24ish made 1/7/23] (ACTIVELY WIP) [online]
multifunctional bot
/addtrivia | adds to trivia questions
/bedtime | has atticus send someone naughty to bed
/botinfo | lists out bot info
/bozo | do immediately after someone says something stupid and it'll add reactions
/calculator | doesn't work but a scientific calculator
/freenitro | specific use cases & needs admin assistance
/getavatar | returns the profile picture of a user (4096x4096)
/image | image gen
/pingpong | display stats about bot
/quote [msgID] | quotes a certain message w timestamps and context (3 x 2)
/ratio | do immediately after someone says something stupid and it'll add reactions
/serverinfo | a little information about the current server
/spammention [user] [# of mentions] [msg] | spams mentions
/sudowords | creates a webhook impersonating another user
/tempmute [user] [time in s] | checks if user in guild is spamming and mutes them for <240s; requires nicknames perm & muted role
/translate | Google Translate API integration
/trivia | creates a trivia match
/userlist | lists out users and their ids in a guild
/vctts | Google TTS integration that says things in the current voice channel
/webhook [misc] | does webhook stuffs idk i forgot

Prefix Commands: (m!)

m!help | lists all prefix and slash commands
m!toggle | toggle chat responses
m!you | temporarily links user to @you
m!respond | OpenAI integration for GPT 3.5 Turbo
m!addtoconvo | OpenAI integration for GPT 4o that gets chat context too
m!meme | OpenAI integration with GPT 3.5T and DALL-E 3 that gets chat context to create a meme

Context (click):

adage | Quote
translate | Google Translate API

admin use only

/deletecmd | admin use only (removes a certain command by ID)
/deploy | admin use only (deploys commands to a certain guild)
/eval | admin use only (runs node and bash snippets)
/logs | admin use only (lists bot logs)
/reload [config option] [guildid] [logs] | admin use only (pushes bozobot application commands to API)
/restart | admin use only (terminates bozobot proccess)
/restartall | admin use only (restarts all pm2 proccesses and pulls from github repo)
/sudo | admin use only (says stuff as bot)
/broadcast | admin use only (sudo as bot in all servers in general/chat)
+ coin flip betting bot (846444154488619077) [oldest last updated forever ago made 5/24/21] (doneish) [online]
+ letter by letter (950553687707754556) [2nd oldest last updated forever ago made 3/7/22] (doneish) [online]
+ letter gifs (1023662069427478673) [3rd oldest last updated forever ago made 9/25/22] (doneish) [online]
+ Googler (1040977641928405113) [2nd newest last updated like idk made 11/12/22] (doneish/wip) [offline]

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